On Being with the Now Moment & My Sacral Response
So technically, my 30 day sacral response marathon ended on April 5th. However, I feel like more and more I’m getting into the flow of things as I carry on with this experiment.
The main thing I’m learning to do is BE WITH WHAT IS NOW. Even if my mind thinks I’m supposed to be doing something else. This post is largely inspired by a magical inner voice session my dear friend Gyan held for me the other day.
My inner voice also recently told me, “Whatever the now moment brings is what you’re meant to dance with.”
How can I be with what’s arising in the now when my mind has so many shoulds running in the background?
For example, I’ve been experiencing a lot of anxiety in the chest around different situations, and it’s so easy to want to go try to cover it up with action or distraction. If I just do this thing, I’ll feel better. But in my experience, that rarely gets to the root. Instead, when I choose to sit with that anxiety, allow myself to feel it, talk with it, feel into what it’s wanting me to look at, and then have a dialogue with it about the situation, I always come out the other side with more peace and clarity. It feels like such relief.
When we act from that anxious place, we only create more anxiety in our own lives and in the world. When we get clear within ourselves first, and then take action from a peaceful place, we create more peace all around.
Sometimes we can’t help but to be caught up in an anxious moment with another person. When this happens I have been just trying to be present as much as possible and trying not to place any blame on the other for my anxious feelings. Those feelings are showing me what I need to look at and most likely let go of. To let go of that limiting belief or anxiety-inducing thought pattern, I have been taking the time to feel it fully as discussed above. As many times as it takes. Here’s where any emotional release techniques and subconscious reprogramming might come into play as well.
This is the process I’ve been trying to stick to (as a sacral Manifesting Generator) in order to drop into the flow of life and tune into what it’s wanting from me:
Honor any anxiety, fear, doubt, confusion
acknowledge it
sit with it
give it the space to be, releasing if and when it’s ready in its own time
remember it’s ok to take this time to calibrate and hone and release and trust
remember there is clarity and freedom in being with the feeling
B. From peace, where is your energy flowing?
write down some things you want to do
check in with your sacral (or inner voice) about each
a.) Do I have energy for this now?
C. Do what feels exciting, expansive, and pleasurable that you have energy for NOW
D. Celebrate your patience, trust, flow, and alignment
Celebrate how you’ve shown up and contributed something true, authentic, and from a loving peaceful place
Act from fear, lack, shoulds, mental idealistic fantasies that contradict the sacral
Try to cover up anxiety with action
Let fear stop you from taking right action
My inner voice told me in my session with Gyan to make it a game. The game is feeling and being with it all in the now - the heavy emotions as well as the lightness, joy, and pleasurable experiences. It’s all fun, make it a game.
A reminder that if you’re feeling some emotional heaviness, I have a free guided emotional release recording you might find helpful here. Maybe I should have called it a “guided be with what's arising in the now” meditation instead, as we don’t have to put pressure on the emotions to release. We are always learning. <3