release the tension & connect with the wisdom within you
“Anchor yourself in the seat of your soul, hold your heart, and let ‘er rip.”
- my inner voice
This work is about cultivating the skill of being ok inside. It’s about holding your own heart through discomfort and pain. It’s about being your own guide and spiritual advisor. It’s about awakening your authentic wisdom and intuition, trusting yourself, and trusting life.
Supportive Sessions
60-Minute Emotional Bean Bag Release Session
Most of us haven't learned how to fully feel and process our emotions. We fear we can't handle them, so we suppress or distract ourselves, leaving stuck emotional energy in the body. This can create heaviness, tension, and triggers in daily life.
Releasing these stuck emotions brings freedom, clarity, and peace, helping us reconnect with our true selves and feel lighter. With your awareness, and my guidance, we’ll work together to release this energy in a safe, comfortable setting (cameras off). I’ve experienced the power of this process firsthand and would be honored to guide you through it.
90-Minute Inner Voice Session
You'll learn to access the peaceful, wise place within you for the clarity and calm we all seek. We all have boundless inner wisdom—it's just about knowing how to connect with it. I'll guide you through emotional release if needed and help you tune into your intuition and inner voice. Here, you'll receive loving messages and authentic guidance. With practice, this skill becomes stronger. If your intuition says yes, let's begin! (Cameras off for comfort.)
“There were moments that I thought, ‘Oh my goodness, you are so good.’ The way you are so meticulously pure and precise in using the same words and not forgetting anything, not leaving any part out is important and that gives so much to feeling safe and heard and recognized. It’s so amazing how you can do that. And you do it in such a neutral, no judgement kind of way that is so supportive and gives so much security and safety. It is quite special because not many people are capable of doing it like this in my experience. And the amount of patience you have with this process is amazing. It was really amazing.” - B