Who are you, really?
Who are you, really?
Human Design shows us who we came here to be.
It validates who we’ve been and illuminates the pathway to our most aligned and authentic self. I think it’s so incredible how uniquely on purpose we all are. This life will never cease to amaze me.
Through living our Strategy and Authority (our specific decision-making tools), we are taken on a one-of-a-kind adventure of deconditioning and energetic realignment.
The conditioned mind can never get us to living our truest truth.
I like HD because the path to awakening (living our truth) is laid out so simply. Three steps we do in our day to day life:
live Strategy (mine is Wait to Respond)
use Authority to make decisions (mine is Sacral)
watch the mind
As with any adventure, there will be many challenges along the way. The mind has been used to running the show and will do anything in its power to maintain control. The problem is that the mind only knows what’s happened in the past, and can’t perceive of all of the limitless possibilities that exist for the present and the future, so it keeps us stuck in the same old patterns.
The body, the vehicle in this life, is connected to our most aligned path. Just as the trees grow, just as the birds fly, we are also connected to and guided on our way in life. Our species needed the mind to sufficiently root ourselves on this planet, and now that we’ve done so, it’s time for us to allow our truest essences and genius to be uncovered and have the mind take its proper place in the back seat.
What has helped me on my path to authenticity as I continue to implement my Strategy & Authority:
I watch my mind.
I write down anything it says to me about me in words. The mind wants to maintain control over our lives. However, its capacities in this role are limited and it’s now meant to be the conscious passenger of our lives, looking out the window. The mind is a fantastic tool for looking outside of ourselves and making sense of our world. It’s just no longer meant to be our guidance system.
“My mind thinks I should go to the party.”
“My mind thinks I should get that job.”
“My mind thinks I should say yes (or no) to that thing.”
I watch what it says, thank it for trying to keep me safe, and continue Waiting to Respond and only making the decisions with my Sacral response.
Emotions will arise as we start practicing acting from Strategy and Authority instead of pushing action from our mind. Most of us have an element of waiting involved in our Strategy, and the mind will freak out about this. The mind hates to wait.
Pushing action and initiating something can temporarily relieve that pressure to make something happen now. However, it’s taking us out of our alignment and ultimately will leave us frustrated, disappointed, bitter, or angry.
I take care of my nervous system and body during the waiting and while developing trust in my Strategy and Authority.
Tools I like to use to help calm my nervous system:
yoga nidra practice
meditation to hone awareness
dancing & singing
To help calm the mind and reassure it when it’s hung up on something, I get in touch with my inner voice for a different perspective. A more wise, peaceful, and loving perspective.
My inner voice can see the bigger picture and give me the reassurance or guidance I need to continue on in the way that’s best for me and the situation at hand.
This is a fascinating, soul-excavating, deep feels, persona-shedding process of cellular transformation. And it takes time. And it takes patience. And I can’t think of anything more worthwhile.
My own journey is heavily inspired and supported by the work of Mary Ann Winiger and Ayla Verheijen’s promotion of Mary Ann’s work.
Lots of love,